My Go-To (Summer) Birthday Gift Idea

Summer birthday parties have arrived! It’s likely because my son was born in July, but it seems like a lot of his little friends also have Summer birthdays. Something I found particularly hard before I had a baby, and honestly still do, was picking out birthday gifts. I am great at the sweet, soft baby stuff but once the little one has a personality… they become harder to shop for! For one, it’s hard to know each tot’s different interests, and what stage they may be at. So alas: I get the same, but different, bundle for everyone!

I start with a couple Summer necessities that we love, and I feel comfortable gifting. Sunscreen and Bug Spray! Hello Bello are rated CLEAN, and plant-based baby products. I absolutely love them, and so does Thomas. Their clean ingredients make me confident in gifting to friends, too.

My Go-To Summer Birthday Gift Idea | Victoria Austin
My Go-To Summer Birthday Gift Idea | Victoria Austin
My Go-To Summer Birthday Gift Idea | Victoria Austin

A Fairhope T-Shirt (or other relative brand). We love these for our little local friends because they are soft and classic. I realize these last three items are more for Mom, but how many light up toys from Target can one kid get? haha. Next is where you can get creative…
If you know the tot well, and know their interests and/or capabilities, you can get a summertime toy that fits for them. Chalk, bubbles, a pool float or swim diapers are always great options and never seem to go to waste! Some specific examples are below for various toddler ages!

You get the idea! Target, Walmart and Amazon have AWESOME kids toys that are inexpensive and great for outdoors. I try not to buy “junk” but when it comes to those hot Summer months, if it’s cheap and can last a few weeks… it’s a win-win. Stay cool out there!!

Etsy Finds | For My Toddler

Since the holidays, we have been cleaning, purging and organizing in our house! It feels GREAT! I truly cannot blame the wild toddler in the house for the extra clutter… it’s all me! We have (thankfully) lived in this house for about 6 years, and man, have we accumulated some stuff. It feels good to get rid of unnecessary things and deep clean for Spring. My friend Jane with Southern Calligraphy and I have made a little pact to hold each other accountable with our minimalist goals this year. It’s not a “one day fix” but we are mapping out the whole year so we can stay on top of this goal and start the transition to minimizing our belongings and decluttering our spaces and lives!
With all that to be said, Thomas’s toys seem to silently SCREAM at me in every room. If you know me, you know I was hell bent on not letting kids toy’s take over the home we’ve worked so hard for. So as we donated great toys and kept some classics that we adore, I noticed how many are from Etsy and wanted to share them with y’all. Thomas isn’t in Montessori school (or any school yet) but I do lean toward that style of play/learn when given the choice (so you may notice a theme). Otherwise, some are just cute and fun and I hope to keep forever!

Okay, that last one is strictly for me and not a toy. So cute though, right? I just ordered T one for his room!
Be sure to follow me on Instagram to see some of the toys in action! I try to post great finds there as well. Have any favorites I should add to my list? Let me know! xoxo